How to prevent a cancer relapse

By Shruti Sethi

Jun 28, 2022

Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases across the globe that has taken millions of lives in the past few decades and continues to threaten more lives with every passing day. With the advancement of medical technology, especially over the last 20 years, various methods have been invented for the treatment of cancer – radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery, to name a few. These techniques have made it possible to treat cancer successfully, especially if it is detected in its early stages. However, cancer is a disease that is not only known for being deadly but also for being extremely notorious. No matter what type of cancer it is, where it is located, what stage it has reached, or what therapy is employed, every cancer has a chance of relapsing. It does not mean that the treatment was unsuccessful though. Remember that it takes just a few cancerous cells for that cancer to develop all over again. Hence, it is extremely crucial for those who have undergone cancer therapy to regularly follow up with their oncologist even after successful treatment. Sometimes follow-up needs to be done for as long as 10-12 years after the conclusion of the initial therapy.

It must be noted that not all cancers have the same rate of recurrence. Some tend to relapse more often than others.
For example, certain cancers like glioblastoma (which affects cells of the brain and the spinal cord) have an almost 100% chance of relapse even after treatment, and ovarian cancers have an 85% chance of relapsing. While others like colorectal cancers have a recurrence rate of as low as 17%.
The stress of going through cancer therapy and its side effects for the first time is overwhelming, just imagine how difficult it will be to go through all of that all over again. But the good news is that there are certain things that you can do to prevent the relapse of cancer, or at least reduce the chances of relapse significantly. This can be achieved by tackling the root cause of cancer by various methods ranging from lifestyle changes to diet. But before knowing how to prevent relapse of cancer, it is important to understand why and how cancers recur.

Why and how do cancers recur?

Broadly speaking, there are 3 ways in which cancer can recur in a treated patient. These are;

Local recurrence: when cancer recurs at the same location as before.

Regional recurrence:when cancer reoccurs in some nearby tissue or lymph node.

Distant recurrence: when cancer reoccurs in some other organ or distant part of the body.
Cancers can reoccur due to a variety of reasons. As mentioned above, some cancers have a naturally high rate of recurrence as compared to others, it is also partially dependent on the type of treatment that was given in the first place.
If a patient was given radiotherapy or surgery was successfully performed to remove cancer, it can be difficult to understand why cancer has relapsed. There can be 2 possible reasons – first, the surgery/radiotherapy was not comprehensive and few cancer cells were left behind, and second, micrometastases. But what exactly are micrometastases? During the treatment of cancer, a small number of cancer cells might escape the original (primary) tumour and spread to nearby or distant structures via the lymphatic system, or bloodstream, or directly spread to adjacent structures. These small numbers of cancer cells that have escaped the primary tumour are called micrometastases. An alarming property of these metastases is that they cannot be detected in a screening or diagnostic test. And hence, even though the reports of the patient show no evidence of cancer, these micrometastases cells can start a new tumour and cause relapse.
For patients who are given chemotherapy, the causes of relapse are different. Chemotherapy drugs generally try to hinder some stage in the multiplication of cancer cells. What this means is that cells that are not multiplying during that time, or cells that are in some different stage of cell division might survive the chemotherapy, and at a later stage cause relapse. This is the reason why chemotherapy involves the use of multiple drugs that affect different stages of cell division. Still, there is always a chance that some cancer cells will escape the therapy and cause relapse.

How to prevent cancer relapse?

Although we can never be sure if and when cancer will relapse, there are certain things a person can do to prevent it from happening, or at least reduce its chances of happening.

1. Regular follow-up

Even after cancer therapy or surgery has concluded, it is extremely crucial to see your oncologist regularly for follow-ups and perform investigations to keep a check on the status of your body. Sometimes, follow-ups can be required for as long as 10 years after successful treatment. Although this might seem unnecessary, especially when the person feels well, it is not. We can never know when cancer relapses. So our best bet is regularly seeing the oncologist for as long as is required.

2. Diet and nutrition

Studies have shown that regularly consuming a diet rich in a variety of vegetables, like green-leafy, orange, red, high-fibre legumes (beans), and whole fruits can significantly reduce the recurrence of cancers, especially breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers. It is recommended that a cancer patient in remission should consume at least 2-3 cups of vegetables and 1-2 cups of fruits daily. In particular, foods rich in folates like spinach and lettuce have been proved to possess anti-cancer properties. Tomatoes contain a pigment called lycopene which is proven to prevent certain forms of cancer. Hence, tomatoes should also be a part of your regular diet. You can also include grapes in your diet as they contain a substance called resveratrol, which is both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, properties that make it a great food item for cancer survivors. Tea, especially green tea, is also known to benefit cancer survivors to a great extent. It is also advisable to consume foodstuff made of whole grains rather than refined grains.
At the same time, one should try to avoid red meat, like pork, beef, or lamb, and sugary food items, especially those that have added sugars, like cold beverages. Although they are not directly associated with relapse, they are definitely significant risk factors.

3. Supplementation

After the conclusion of cancer therapy, the body is often depleted of many vital minerals that are essential for good health and also for preventing relapse. It is important to restore these minerals and to achieve that you need to take proper supportive supplementation. It might also be a good idea to take substances like Circumin, Hesperidin, and vitamin C due to their known anti-cancer effects. Even natural herbs like tulsi, mulethi, and green tea extracts are known to possess anti-cancer properties. Many supplements are available that are rich in these minerals and that can boost your health and immunity to a great extent. However, remember that your body is still undergoing a lot of changes post therapy. Hence, before taking any supplementation, it is important to consult your healthcare provider.

4. Lifestyle changes

A lot of cancer risk factors are because of certain lifestyles. Cancer survivors should absolutely avoid smoking or alcohol consumption. They should also avoid fatty diet and try to maintain a healthy body weight. Studies have shown that obesity can increase the chances of cancer relapse significantly. In addition to that, it is important to manage stress levels. Cancer therapy is a tiring and cumbersome process, and it is natural to feel overwhelmed. But it is important to deal with stress and heal yourself emotionally in order to truly become healthy once again. Seeking help from a therapist or psychiatrist is also advisable. Cancer survivors should maintain an anti-inflammatory lifestyle that is free of any cancer causing risk factor. Employing a holistic approach that not only focuses on lifestyle but also the mental health of cancer survivors is a must.

5. Movement

Regular exercise is important for everyone. However, staying physically fit is of utmost importance to cancer survivors. But it’s also important to remember that post cancer therapy, the body isnt the same as it used to be before. The body becomes a lot weaker, both physically and immunologically. Before hopping back to hardcore exercises, one has to rebuild their immunity. Only after that they should proceed to physical exercises. But remember, the golden rule here is to take it slow. Don’t start doing strenuous weight training from the first day itself. Start slow and let your body heal and adapt to the changes. It is also advisable to take help from professional physiotherapists and Yoga therapists. And once you feel your body has gained the required strength, you can go back to the usual exercise regimen. Staying physically active and fit not only reduces the chances of cancer relapse but also prevents many other comorbidities like heart and lung disorders.

6. Detoxification

No matter what type of treatment one is given, it is almost certain that after cancer therapy the body is bombarded with many harmful and unwanted chemicals and toxins. There are a lot of dead cells leftover in the body. Cancer therapy also weakens the immunity of a person, and as a result one might harbour many opportunistic infections like Candida. It is crucial to get rid of these toxins and unwanted substances. There is a need for detoxification. In order to detox, you need to consume a lot of water, and eat healthy without exposing your body to any other risk factor. Doing this, you can detoxify your body in a few weeks to a month.
Cancer is notorious, and to be honest, one can never tell if and when it might relapse. However, if one keeps in mind the above-mentioned things, they can definitely reduce their chances of developing cancer all over again.

Always remember that your body is like a temple, if you treat it right, it will definitely reward you with great health that will allow you to live your life to the fullest.

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